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Hero spotlight: Laseer, The Sand Guardian

From the desert's heart emerges Laseer, a force to be reckoned with in any gear raiding team. Cloaked in regality and brandishing the power of sand and time, Laseer is a favorite among many players. This guide aims to offer insights into his prowess, gear recommendations, and overall potential.

Skills Overview:


  • When Laseer taps into his Ultimate ability, he summons the forces of the desert to prevent enemies from healing. This can be a game-changer, especially against heal-focused teams but most importantly Gear Raid 1, since after Stage 18 the enemies you face will be constantly receiving healing stopping them from taking any damage unless anti-healing is applied or extreme damage is dealt.


  • Laseer is no slouch when it comes to offense. Both his Basic Attack can hit multiple enemies (5 so not strictly AOE) and his Ultimate emits a powerful AoE damage. But that's not all; they also bring forth the power of Sand Erosion, which inflicts extra continuous damage over time, wearing down enemies steadily.


  • The sands Laseer controls are not just for show. His Sand Erosion not only causes continuous damage but also slows down enemies, making them easier targets for his team.



Recommended Gear:

Laseer’s equipment is tailored for aggressive gameplay. Here's what you need:

Best Choice:

  • Weapon & Breastplate: Calamity (ATK +25%)
  • Stat Focus: ATK%, CRIT%, CRIT.DMG%, ATK SPD
  • Accessory: Soulbound Arcana (After casting the Ultimate, DMG increases by 10% permanently, stackable up to 5 times)
  • Stat Focus: ATK% x 2, CRIT.DMG% x 1
  • Artifact: Tear of Starlight (ATK is increased by 20% when deployed. When HP is lower than 80%, the ATK increase effect is reduced to 10%) 

Second Choice:

  • Weapon & Breastplate: Calamity (ATK +25%)
  • Stat Focus: ATK%, CRIT%, CRIT.DMG%, ATK SPD
  • Accessory: Curse Set (Increases DMG by 6% for up to 5 stacks for every enemy within the ATK Range)
  • Stat Focus: ATK% x 3
  • Artifact: Ancestral Teachings (Increases ATK by 16% if an ally is within a 2-tile radius) 
Gear Choices curse ancestral.webp


Stat Priorities:

Top-priority Attributes:

Bangle: Crit. DMG(at least 1)/ATK%(at least 2)

Amulet: Crit. DMG(at least 1)/ATK%(at least 2)

Ring: Crit. DMG(at least 1)/ATK%(at least 2)

Secondary Attributes:

  • Crit. DMG/Crit. Rate(must have)/ATK/ATK Spd.


Recommended Artifact:

  • Tear of Starlight: The best Artifact you can ever equip on a mage, this is the best way to enhance their damage by boosting their overall Attack by a great amount. Being a mythical artifact (and a difficult one to find!) means you might need to use alternatives until you can get your hands on one of these. 
  • Ancestral Teachings: Great cheap alternative to mythical artifacts, multiple copies of this one will definitely get you going with any mage, and Laseer is no exception to this rule.



Battle Compatibility:

Gear Raid I:

  • Laseer's anti-healing power is a crucial asset here, especially when facing off against opponents like Jungle Master in Stages 19-21. His immense AoE DMG combined with continuous damage makes him a staple in dominating Gear Raid I.

EXP Raid:

  • Laseer's sand-induced slow combined with his substantial AoE damage makes him an ideal candidate for EXP Raids. The constant wearing down of enemies ensures your team's supremacy.



Laseer's combination of slowing, damage over time, and healing prevention makes him a versatile choice for a variety of game modes. By gearing him up as suggested, you can maximize his potential and make him an indispensable asset to your raiding team. Whether you're battling in Gear Raid I or looking to get ahead in EXP Raids, Laseer, The Sand Guardian, is your go-to hero.

Check out ColdBrew's video showcasing Laseer in Gear Raid 1-19 with a much weaker team than the in-game suggestion: