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Hero spotlight: Constance, the Healing Vanguard

Unveiling Constance, a new formidable ground hero with abilities that bolster her allies with robust healing and attack enhancements.

Introducing Constance: Hammer of the Holylight

In the echelons of "Watcher of Realms," a new defender takes the stage. Constance, known as the Hammer of the Holylight, stands as a bulwark against chaos, bringing healing and inspiration to her allies in the heat of battle.

Heroic Abilities That Mend and Empower

Team ATK Boost

When the tide of battle turns grim, Constance's ultimate ability shines as a beacon of power, significantly amplifying the attack prowess of her allies and turning the tables in favor of her team.

Ground Healer

Constance's command over the battlefield extends beyond mere offense. Her basic attacks serve as a lifeline to her allies, mending their wounds and bolstering their resolve with every strike.

Auto Rage Regen

With every heal, Constance's rage regenerates, allowing her to cast her game-changing Ultimate more frequently. This cycle of healing and empowerment is the cornerstone of her strategic value.

Maximizing Stage Performance

Domination in Guild Boss and Void Rift Challenges

Constance excels where strength and resilience are tested to their limits. Her unmatched ability to enhance her allies' attributes makes her a force to be reckoned with against Guild Bosses and within the Void Rift.

Equipping Constance: Recommended Gear and Artifact

To unlock Constance's full potential, the right gear is paramount. Sets like Warlord and Calamity are suggested to elevate her attack, while the Invigoration set not only enhances her healing prowess but also provides an additional attack buff.

An essential addition to Constance's arsenal is the epic artifact, Ancestral Teachings. This artifact, readily accessible to players, offers an attack bonus to the bearer. When paired with Constance's abilities, it fortifies her role as an defensive cornerstone, bolstering her and her allies' attack strength significantly.

Prioritizing attack attributes ensures that Constance's healing and enhancements are at their most potent. Her secondary attributes, such as Healing Effect and Rage Regen, are also crucial to her role as the team's bastion.

Conclusion: Constance's Strategic Impact

Constance is set to redefine team dynamics in "Watcher of Realms". With her unique abilities to heal and enhance, she stands as a beacon of hope and strategy for her allies, promising a new era of gameplay for all to enjoy.

Find all information about Constance and her kit on her profile.